Sonntag, 14.07.2019 - 16:00-17:00
Outdoor Yoga auf dem Hof Narr in Hinteregg am Sommerevent der Veganen Gesellschaft Schweiz.
New stuff, older stuff and all the other stuff...
Sonntag, 14.07.2019 - 16:00-17:00
Outdoor Yoga auf dem Hof Narr in Hinteregg am Sommerevent der Veganen Gesellschaft Schweiz.
27.06. - 30.06.2019
Full & Deep Yoga Retreat
4 Tage Sommer Yoga Retreat im wunderschönen Novaggio im Tessin.
Pfingst-Sonntag, 09.06.2019 - 17:00-19:00
Give yourself permission to take time to breathe, to live life, to give, to love, to reflect, to be present, and to just be.
Sunday, 26.05.2019 - 17:00-19:00
Give yourself permission to take time to breathe, to live life, to give, to love, to reflect, to be present, and to just be.
Wednesday, 08.05.2019
With a focus on Pincha Mayurasana and other arm balances we wil flow through an advanced yoga sequence.
Sunday, 28.04.2019
Give yourself permission to take time to breathe, to live life, to give, to love, to reflect, to be present, and to just be.