Let me tell you a little more about my stroy and how I came to the place I’m at today.
What are mudras, why do we perform them and what are the benefits? This is what you read in this blogpost.
15.4. - 18.4.21
Yoga Spring-Retreat - Celebrating Spring and New Beginnings
4 Tage Yoga Retreat im wunderschönen Novaggio im Tessin mit Sarah Lisa Yous und Daniel Cattaneo.
Smoothies my new ritual and start in the morning… read why and get some recipes.
Every Monday & Wednesday until the end of February
A 4,5-weeks program to work on your forearm balance, live on zoom via Balboa. Start, Wednesday January 27th.
Jeden Mittwoch 19:30 - 20:30
Eine Kombination aus langsamerem Vinyasa Yoga (Yang) und längeren, ruhigen Stretches (Yin) sowie Atemtechnik und Meditation. Die perfekte Kombination um das Nervensystem zu beruhigen und deinen Körper und Geist ins Gleichgewicht zu bringen.