Monday, December 21st, 12:00-13:45 & 14:15-16:00

Not only this Pre-Christmas time, but maybe also this whole year made it hard to switch off…

Nothing was for sure, we had to adapt, be flexible, alert and spontaneous. This can cause stress… stress that maybe doesn’t let you sleep well, pause, or digest. Not only food, but impressions and situations. And maybe in spite of all the yoga practice and meditation you still find your mind is to busy and you’re not at ease.

When we can’t switch off, when there is this restlessness in the mind, the likelihood is that our nervous system is locked into fight-or-flight mode as if there was danger all around us. Over time, we become locked in a cycle of alert to the extent that our bodies forget how to go back to a peaceful state of mind.

In this two classes, we will work on getting back into a “rest and digest” mode, which is the state when we digest well, sleep soundly, our breathing is slower, and our heart rate is more rested. Basically, we feel balanced and centered, and that’s when we experience more of our love, compassion, peace of mind and acceptance.

The first class, by Sarah, is a mix of a powerful Vinyasa Yoga Flow, Pranayama (breathing techniques) silent and guided Meditation. You will leave this class feeling uplifted, energized, centered and grounded at the same time.

The afternoon class is a gentle Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra class, by Daniel, designed to let go, rest, relax and recharge.

What to bring: Your YOGA MAT, and if you have a bolster and/or blanket
Where: Sanctuary, Zollikerstrasse 74, 8008 Zürich
Costs: CHF 75.-
Teacher: Sarah Lisa Yous & Daniel Cattaneo, both will teach in English
Level: All levels welcome

Space is limited, save your mat online.

Almost everything will work again, if you unplug it for a few minutes.
Including YOU.