27. - 29. september 2024

In person and online options!

“Through mindfulness, we can recognize the miracle of being alive, and that is the greatest of all miracles.” - Thich Nhat hanh

Ready to deepen your personal meditation practice and receive many ancient and powerful tools to apply to your personal life?

This 25hr training provides the necessary knowledge and embodied practice to lead a life of more presence, compassion and resilience. Whether you want to begin leading meditation classes or simply to deepen your practice this meditation training offers a powerful foundation for awareness, growth and self-discovery.

This program is not only for those who seek to deepen personal and spiritual growth, but it is also an opportunity to build a conscious community and develop practices for physical and emotional resilience with other like-hearted humans. This program will benefit all practitioners - regardless of your level of experience.


The Meditation techniques that we’ll learn follows author of the Yoga Sutra’s Patanjali’s progression from pratyahara (ability to withdraw from our sensory output) to dharana (concentration practices) to support a depth of understanding on how to apply different types of meditation to different needs. Learn the foundation of what a meditative state is (dhyana) by gradually training the mind to connect to effortless internal focus. The meditative practices can be utilized to influence the autonomic nervous system, retrain the brain to release stress and deepen spiritual awareness.

What will you learn in the Meditation course?

  • Understanding Patanjali’s 8 Limb ladder especially concerning pranayama, pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), dharana  (concentration) and dhyana (meditation) 

  • Subtle/energetic anatomy (vayus/nadis/bandhas)

  • Prepare for meditation with breathing techniques

  • Learn dharana (concentration) techniques to aid in focusing the mind 

  • Learn the science of meditation 

  • Learn Kaya Sthairyam - psychic stillness in preparation for meditation

  • Meditation techniques including mantra, chakra dharana, walking and loving kindness practices 

  • Learn to lead Yoga Nidra- a relaxation technique 

  • Learn to guide meditations 

  • Self-reflection tools 

  • Immersion into the yoga lifestyle 

Sample Day:

9:00-10:30 Yoga practice with asana, pranayama and meditation

10:30-12:00 Lecture: Fundamentals of meditation & subtle body anatomy with vayus and bandhas

12:00-13:00 Learn Kaya Sthairyam (psychic stillness) and practice teaching 

13:00-14:00 Lunch break 

14:00-14:30 Journal prompt on attaining desires/ formulating sankalpa 

14:30-15:30 Yoga Nidra practice - art of relaxation 

15:30-16:30 Learn Nadi Shodhana pranayama and practice teaching 

16:30-18:00 Sound meditation - lecture on sound and mantra 

Learn and practice mantras/ japa/ japa ajapa meditation technique 


Friday, September 27th from 13:00-18:00
Saturday, September 28th from 09:00-18:00
Sunday, September 29th from 09:00-18:00


CHF 450.- to join in person
CHF 300.- to join online
CHF 350.- to join a mix of online and in person


Gobinde Yoga Studio, Kernstrasse 25, 8004 Zürich

Your teacher - Rebecca Hajek (E-RYT500)

Rebecca Hajek is a New Yorker recently transplanted to Lisbon, Portugal who has been studying yoga and meditation for over 25 years.  She was a former opera singer who got her Masters in Music at SUNY Purchase and credits the discipline and understanding of subtlety in her practice to her years of strict training. She followed her love of yoga out of the opera world and into her 200hr training over 14 years ago in NYC and discovered her life’s purpose. Eager to soak up the vast wealth of yogic wisdom in NYC Rebecca explored Ashtanga, Iyengar, Forrest, Hatha, Kundalini, Katonah, Dharma and Bhakti yoga which allowed her to deepen her practice and refine her distinctive style of teaching. 

Her 500hr Advanced Teacher Training (ERYT) was completed with her long time mentor Yogi Charu of Saraswati lineage in Hatha yoga and Tantric meditation in 2015. She has sense delved more deeply into bhakti yoga - the yoga of devotion and studying yoga philosophy through the Vedic texts and mantra with her teachers Raghunath Cappo and Kausthuba Das. Dedicated to the yogic path Rebecca will always consider herself a student first, and a teacher second. In addition to teaching online and in person with group classes, privates and Kirtans Rebecca leads workshops, teacher trainings and yoga retreats around the globe.

*Course will be taught in English with Sarah assisting with Suisse German if needed.

Contact us, if you want to join a mix of both (online and in person) namaste@flowmeyoga.com