F'lowMe Yoga

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Divine Yoga Sunday

Divine Yoga Sunday with Andrew Mournehis

- Living the Divine Acts of Shiva Nataraj -

And we will be back... Andrew Mournehis will come for the third time all the way from Australia to Zürich to teach us: The Divine acts of Shiva Nataraj

We will start with a gentle Yoga Asana Class led by Sarah, to then tune into the philosophy and mythology of Lord Shiva with Andrew.

After a lunch break, we will embody everything we've learned into a divine dance called "The Divine Acts of Shiva Nataraj".

Sunday, September 16th - Program:

09:00 – 10:15 Yoga Class led by Sarah
10:15 – 10:30 Coffee/Tea Break
10:30 – 12:30 Yoga Philosophy & Mythology led by Andrew; Living the divine acts of Shiva Nataraj
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 – 17:00 Dance of the Deities led by Andrew ”The Divine Acts of Shiva Nataraj"

I'm over excited that after the big success of the last two workshops, we can welcome Andrew again. Join us, to explore the yogic and hindu myths about Lord Shiva and to get a deeper understanding of the history of yoga, and where yoga comes from and how to live it off the mat.

Teachers & Language:
Andrew Mournehis and Sarah Lisa Yous, will both teach in english!



Yoga class - Gentle and Energizing
Once your breath is set, Sarah will lead you through a gentle and energizing flow of asanas (postures) to slowly open up the body and to help you feel energized through-out the day. With a focus on breathing and moving mindfully, we will target specific areas of the body. Sarah's teaching style is dynamic, yet graceful, and light-hearted with the intention of cultivating strength, flexibility, and balance in both body and mind.   

Dance of the Deities
This concept called "Dance of the Deities" is a combination of Andrew's 5 great loves: Storytelling, Philosophy, Mythology, Yoga and Dance. Through these themes we experience a beautiful, powerful, and divinely inspired movement practice called “Dance of the Deities”. It will be divided into the following 4 sections: 

1st Section:  Mythology and Story
Philosophy talk, storytelling and sharing Myth for that particular Deity/key points of learning emphasised

2nd Section: Yoga Asana Practice
Min Asana Practice opening relevant parts of the body preparing for the Deity Dance

3rd Section: Dance of The Deity: 
- Learning portions of Deity Dance in blocks/counts of 8
- Run the Whole Dance of the Deity a few times to embody

4th Section: Integration
Cool down, relaxation and final embodiment in a relaxed state through revisiting teachings, key points and take home teachings from the dance and myth/stories shared

The whole class will be infused with divinely inspired music and mantras set to contemporary tunes to which we will dance to and for the deities, integrating them into the dance of life. 

More about SHIVA
Benevolent Shiva is considered to be both the Destroyer and Regenerator… as He destroys so He creates… destroying all illusion, fear and ignorance to reveal the Creation of Light and the illumination of what is real. He has enormous and bountiful Compassion, and is often considered to be the God of Benediction, blessing all those that ask for his protection.

Shiva grants ALL desires…all that we ask…without exception… and is easily pleased!!! He is considered to be the protector of the underworld and has immense compassion for even the lowest of all Beings, which is why he is one of the most revered Gods in the Hindu tradition. His attributes represent victory over negative activities and practices, and He reveals a Calmness in Human Nature. When we honour Him and surrender to him, He transforms our Greatest Darkness to Light. His presence in any room or altar reminds one of the Unlimited support of the Universe and the infinite possibilities available to us.

Of all the Hindu Deities none has the complexities and extraordinary features of Shiva. Although he’s the destroyer of ignorance and illusions, there has often been a mystery to the essence of Shiva which this philosophy class will aim to demystify.

Yoga Philosophy & Mythology

We will explore the mythological tales in yoga and how we might translate their messages into practical lessons for the present. We will unpack integral and pivotal Lord Shiva, his qualities, gifts, weaknesses/flaws, and divine archetypal attributes that express himself through us. 

The Hindu and Yogic Myths have been passed down for centuries. Their stories are filled with great wisdom, light, truth, and are still relevant today. They emphasize universal messages of hope, union, power, service, happiness, and love. 

Come engage in a deep and ever expanding conversation exploring these divine Deites within. 

Here is what you will receive from this day:

- A day away of your daily routines with a lot of movement.
- Inspiration, energy, fun and a lot of new knowledge.
- Deeper understanding of the origin and history of Yoga.
- An ability to unpack and explore the universal messages that infuse and lay embedded within the Yogic and Hindu Myths.
- Exploration of ways one can translate and transpose the teachings and messages of yoga into their daily lives. 
- Exploration of ways to transform your struggles, challenges and “dark times” into light and illuminating lessons.
- A new perspective on relationships, not only with others, but the ones we have with ourselves.
- Ultimately bringing each one of us to a space of higher divine love… 


This day is great for EVERYONE (no previous knowledge needed), who is interested in learning more about yoga, the history of yoga, likes to dance and expand their practice. Sometimes a 90min class or a workshop is just not enough to really tune in deeper. So, here you'll have the chance to explore and deepen your practice and to get to know how to live yoga off the mat.

For yoga teachers, this weekend provides the opportunity to be inspired, deepen your understanding of the yogic myths and tales, and discover ways in which you may be able to translate those into your day to day lives – and assist your students to do the same. 



Sunday, September 16th 2018, 09:00-17:00


CHF 130.- until 15th of August
CHF 145.- normal rate
The price includes all workshops/classes, as well as tea/coffee and lunch (vegan/vegetarian).


Andrew and Sarah, both will teach in english.

About Andrew

Coming from a diverse and eclectic Yoga background, Andrew teaches a combination of Hatha, Bhakti and Tantra Yoga. His Creative, Joyful and Heart-filled teaching strengthens the body, soothes and clears the mind, whilst enlivening and enriching the Spirit through both Postural and Universal Alignment. His unique teaching style is imbued with Heart and Soul, rich in Tantric Philosophy and his classes are filled with Inspiration, Storytelling, Mantra and the Spirit of the Divine. 

Andrew Mournehis started his career as an Optometrist looking through the «Windows of the Soul».

His dream though was to be a dancer and after confronting a life threatening illness at 21yrs of age, by 24 he chose to give up everything, and fulfil his two greatest dreams which were to see the world and to Dance. Upon arriving in London, leaving his profession behind him, he forged a successful career, not only as a dancer but as a choreographer, and after 2 years through the Divine orchestration of the Universe, he was offered the once in a lifetime opportunity to Choreograph Tina’s Turners 1996 “Wildest Dreams” world tour. The backdrop for the stage was a huge “golden eye” … the symbology unmistakable. In 1997 though at the peak of his career his knee blew out, his visa ran out in London and he had to return to Australia , where he became extremely unwell and sought out a healing path.

He turned to Yoga to heal his heart and his knee. He immediately fell in Love with the practice, studied vigilantly and in 1999 began teaching yoga to packed classes.

He went on to study Transpersonal Counselling graduating from the Phoenix Institute of Australia in 2001 with a very clear vision that his gifts and passions were best directed in the power of group, mythology and the potent healing energy that is exchanged in each others stories, both personal and Universal. Being an already well respected and established yoga teacher, he spent the next decade combining his love of Yoga with his passion for healing Transpersonal work to create Transformative spaces for his students and participants to heal and become more whole. 

Andrew has spent almost 20 years facilitating many healing groups, workshops, intensives and retreats both nationally and internationally working with the healing potential of both Yoga, Movement and Transpersonal Modalities. He brings to his work over 16 years of experience in Transpersonal Counselling and Art Therapy Techniques, 19 years of Yoga Teaching and over 25 Years experience in the Creative Arts Fields, as a dancer, choreographer and movement stylist.

He is thrilled at this stage of his life and career to now combine his 4 great Loves… Storytelling, Mythology, Yoga and Dance into this Beautiful, Powerful, Moving and Divinely inspired movement practice called “Dance of the Deities”. 


If you didn't get the chance to drop in last October, or in May don't miss this awesome opportunity to meet Andrew. His teachings can transform your life, practice and teachings. If you had the opportunity to join Andrew's previous workshops, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Excited to see you there...